Lawn and Garden Products For the Informed Gardener
Take care of your yard all year long with lawn and garden products from Galbraith's Landscaping and Lawn Care
Let us Identify Your Problem and Help You Select the Correct Product to Remedy It
Let’s face it! Staring at walls & walls of chemicals in a home center can be daunting!
Most times you just don’t know where to begin. And the home center staff is often less than helpful. That’s when the expert assistance at Galbraith’s Landscaping and Lawn Care is especially appreciated.
Galbraith’s carries a great selection of products (fungicides, insecticides, pesticides, & herbicides) to address all the issues you’re likely to experience in your lawn, flowerbed, landscape, vegetable garden and home. More importantly, we will help you accurately assess what you will really need to solve the issues you are having. We will find you the correct solution and instruct you how to use the product. Using the right product the right way is critical to your success!

Insect Control
Galbraith’s Landscaping and Lawn Care has everything you need to prevent and treat common insect problems, including ants, aphids, bugs, beetles, caterpillars, wasps, weevils, and more. We have insect solutions for trees, shrubs, flowers, houseplants and tropicals in your garden and in your home. Organic products for herbs and veggies, too!

Weed Control
Keeping weeds under control turns gardening from a chore into a delight. At Galbraith’s you can find answers for controlling even the most aggressive weeds by using either organic and traditional weed preventing products. Eliminate weeds in beds, sidewalks, gravel driveways, and more. We offer organic weed control for the vegetable garden, too!

Disease Control
Galbraith’s carries everything you need to prevent and treat common plant diseases, including powdery mildews, rusts, leaf spots, and more. We have disease solutions for trees, shrubs, flowers, houseplants and tropicals. We also stock organic products for herbs and veggies, also!