Donation Requests

Apply for Consideration

Galbraith’s is known for giving time and resources back to the Northeast Indiana community. This includes the donation of Galbraith’s Gift Cards and/or plants for various charitable purposes.

To be considered for a donation, please submit your request in writing on organization letterhead. Include a contact name, phone number, email address, and mailing address. If applicable, include a non-profit ID or tax-exempt number. Describe who or what will benefit from the donation. Indicate whether you are requesting a gift card or plant material. If plant, specify the type of plant and quantity. Enclose any additional supporting materials that may be available such as event flyers or promotional information.

Mail your request to the Galbraith’s Landscaping & Lawn Care, attention: Donation, at 7945 Stellhorn Road, Fort Wayne, Indiana 46815. You may also email to

Requests must be received a minimum of (six) weeks prior to the date needed in order to receive consideration.

Please know that with so many worthwhile civic and community organizations in the Fort Wayne and Auburn regions, we are unable to participate in every program for which we are contacted; nor are we able to respond to every request received.